For Schools & Districts
You're not alone.
your story continues.
You’re Not Alone; (YNA;) partners with school districts within Minnesota and beyond, bringing volunteer therapy dog teams into schools to support students and staff in a variety of ways.
Our programming strives to educate and implement social-emotional skills that promote and encourage mental health and wellness, while also encouraging utilization of these skills individually and beyond. We seek to support the mental health needs of both students and staff through our programming, which centers around a visit from a therapy dog team as a catalyst to open communication about mental health, well-being, acceptance, understanding, empathy and non-judgement.
We also include programming about promoting and teaching strategies to combat bullying and life stressors, all while utilizing and educating students on the amazing gift that animals can play in their lives. Partnering with YNA; brings the opportunity for a stress-free environment for students and an opportunity to discuss challenging issues in a non-judgemental zone.

School District Requirements
Points of Contact
Two points of contact are needed within the school/district:
One coordinator for the program implementation who functions in an administrative role for the oversight of YNA. (Examples: Social Worker, Admin, Guidance Counselor, Media Specialist etc.)
One staff or consistent volunteer who is physically present in the room where the YNA therapy dog visits are held, for the duration of the visit. (This is a 2 hour per week commitment)
Policies & Procedures
School districts must provide YNA; with copies of their policies and procedures for school volunteers.
Background Checks
Background checks to be completed on YNA; volunteers per district policies.
Our Programming
Check out our feature on WCCO and get a glimpse into the programming we provide, and the impact that YNA; can make in the school setting and beyond!
"Petting, scratching, and cuddling a dog could be as soothing to the mind and heart as deep meditation and almost as good for the soul as prayer."
– Dean Koontz, Author
Additional Details
The Space
YNA; therapy dog visits should be held in an open, inviting & inclusive space within the school building.
Schools should feature a "school picture" of the therapy dog & have a framed copy of the picture in the main office of the school - this creates ownership & a sense of community with the therapy dog and students.
All teams that volunteer their time with YNA; are certified therapy dog teams, through reputable organizations.
Each therapy dog team will carry insurance supplied through their specific therapy dog organization. Insurance information will be shared with the school district upon request.
Next Steps
If you've decided that your school district would like to partner with YNA; please complete these next steps: Complete the YNA; School District Registration & Participation Agreement form found below. Return them via email to YNA: will pair you with a therapy dog team & be in touch to begin YNA's programming within your school!