
Amy and willow in grassy yard

Spreading Inspiration & Hope

Amy shares her personal family’s mental health crisis and the road they have taken to wellness. It is her desire to share her perspective, compassion, empathy, hope and inspiration to you or your loved ones that may struggle with depression, anxiety, any other mental illness diagnosis and/or family dysfunction.

Speaking engagement opportunities vary based on need, setting and demographic. YNA seeks to support a variety of individuals across various populations, and would enjoy the opportunity to discuss speaking needs you may have.



Hope Through Amy’s Personal Diagnosis Of Mental Illness

Living within the darkness of depression, continually trying to portray that she was happy and doing well was incredibly challenging for Amy, and some days were harder than others. Amy had a vision of what she hoped for her future; living her truth. Amy was able to keep hope alive and that vision of her future self by weekly therapy visits, positive messages from books, audiobooks, podcasts and her spiritual life to gain perspective.


A parent's perspective of mental illness of a child

In Amy’s family situation back in 2007, no one talked about mental illness. When she had a child that was incredibly depressed and anxious, she felt like part of her heart has been trampled on. It’s hard to know where to turn. When your child is struggling with mental illness, the sadness is overpowering. Have you ever heard the quote “you’re only as happy as your saddest child”? This statement really hit home for Amy’s family! At that time, Amy wished she had a friend that understood this and had already lived through it, someone that she could have turned to, without the worry of judgment of herself as a parent or of her child. That is why we are here…You’re Not Alone;



Amy’s family has lost three very special people in their lives to suicide. A situation no one would ever wish on anyone. A death from suicide and/or the complications of a suicide attempt are incredibly painful and raw. It can leave you with so many questions and “what-ifs”. After Amy’s personal experience with the darkness of depression, pain and suicidal ideations, Amy’s hope is that her perspective could bring you a bit of peace.



Amy’s desire for all she encounters is; “When you have hope in your heart, you have an amazing tool to achieve a brighter tomorrow, it’s out there waiting for you”. She would love to help you discover it!


The role of a pet in mental illness and healing

Amy and her family found hope and love within their years of sadness-to-wellness by a blessing of one of the most precious gifts, the unconditional love of a pup! Amy continues to write her family’s story, “Six Hearts, Four Paws and One Rae of Hope”, written through the heart, voice and eyes of their angel pup, Lilly Rae of Hope.

Our Impact

“A seventh-grade student said, 'Now I can make it through the afternoon,' after receiving a hug from Willow.”

-Kari Green

Monticello Middle School Media Specialist

“There is nothing like seeing the faces of children light up with excitement when they see Amy and Willow inside the school helping children to be stronger and equipped with new skills.”

-Eric Olson

Superintendent of Monticello Public Schools
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